I know, it has been so long since an update! And all I can say is that I have been VERY busy. Work and more work, and fitting in indie projects around day jobs. I consider myself a very lucky person that I can work in a field I love and enjoy, so that even the “day job” doesn’t feel like a grind.

Regret” is moving through editorial! A rough cut has been finished, and the past two weeks have been spent on pick up shoots. Yesterday, Sunday, March 24, we filmed an additional scene to add to the film — which means I’m happy to welcome the talented Mustafa Harris to the cast!

The festival run has finished for the three films I’ve had on that circuit for the past year or so. “Ripe Figs” and “Dr. Chevalier’s Lie” will be moving into online distribution soon, most likely through a streaming platform, while “Getting In” will be posted on my personal website (here, in case that confused you). In fact, "NOPD:COVEN” has been renamed HANLEY & BORDEAUX and additional episodes are on the drawing board.

This past weekend I had the privilege of teaching a production audio workshop at NOVAC, an excellent resource center for independent filmmakers in New Orleans. Besides education and training opportunities, NOVAC also helps independent filmmakers access the tools, networks, and professional support to make their projects.

In the coming weeks, I will be collaborating with other New Orleans independent artists on a few projects, and can’t wait to share them.